Conifers are everyone’s first choice when it comes Christmas trees but if you want a different type of Christmas tree here’s a few hints.
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Indoor Plants
Conifers are everyone’s first choice when it comes Christmas trees but if you want a different type of Christmas tree here’s a few hints.
Read MoreCaladiums are grown for their beautiful leaves which appear in the warmer months from corms. The older and fuller in the pot or garden the better the leaf colour.
Read MorePoinsettias are amazing plants. They will grow in full sun, full shade, indoors or outdoors. They can handle most soil types, the cold, the dry, the heat.
Read MoreFungus gnats, those pesky flying insects hovering around indoor plants, pose a threat to plant health in humid Australian climates. A blend of prevention and management keeps these pests at bay, preserving a healthy indoor garden.
Read MoreYou want a plant that flowers most of the year, easy to look after, doesn’t mind being a little on dry side and survives in the shade? I have the perfect plants for you - Streptocarpus
Read MorePerfect Indoor Plant, this plant is an understory plant of the rainforest and basically requires very little light (hence its common name 'Dungeon Plant') and very low water. Which is probably why it was so popular.
Read MoreAglaonema, what’s not to love? Spectacular Foliage Colours, Fabulous Indoors Plant, Grows well outside in Full Shade but can tolerate a little sun, Great for Pots or Gardens, Tolerates Dry Conditions
Read MoreNo special instructions apart from, don’t over love/water them.
Now I am sure there are many people out there with their own methods of keeping African violets alive but I’m working with the theory “Treat ‘em mean keep ‘em Green”.
Read MoreThe best thing about Dieffenbachias is that they look good on a table looking down onto their foliage but they also look great up high looking up into their foliage. They are so versatile and I love using them around the home.
Read MoreTillandsias have evolved into a remarkable genus adapting to a wide range of conditions with the amazing ability of being able to capture all water and nutrients via small scales on the leaf surface rather than through roots. So while Tillandsias grow ‘in the air’ they still need some basic requirements.
Read MoreAlocasias are fast becoming a must have indoor plant. You will need a bright or really well lit area in your home for these babies. They tend to turn their leaves to face the light, so not great for dark areas.
Read MoreMost anthuriums we see today are a form of Anthurium ambianum. This form can handle the cool (though it hates the frost) and low-light conditions. In warmer areas, these grow well outside in the full shade or you can grow them indoors.
Read MoreI love Philodendron Micans as they have lovely deep green almost black velvety, heart-shaped leaves that are iridescent. On the backside is a deep beautiful red colour. t. It loves hanging down from the top of a bookshelf and being forgotten about but I’m also training one up a coir fibre pole as it’s perfect for skinny places in home where I need height without bulk.
Read MoreRhaphidophora decursiva. In it’s native environment it climbs up things like trees and rocks using its aerial roots to grip to the trunks or surfaces of rocks. In a pot inside I suggest you get a chunky iron bark stake or a nice trellis for it to climb up. We had a stake at home and ours has twinned itself around it, to form a thick green pole.
Read MoreMuehlenbeckia platyclada comes from the tropical regions of New Guinea and Solman Islands. In its natural habitat it can handle sun but needs lots of moisture and humidity. I have found an exceptionally well lit indoor spot is perfect for this plant.
Read MoreRhipsalis are an interesting plant as it’s belongs to the cacti genus but don’t really behave how we would expect a cactus to behave. They hate full sun, the much prefer a warm shady spot and they like a little moisture around them. In their natural habitat you would find them in the tree canopy. So I find growing them inside, in a small pot in which they can ultimately hang down the sides is perfect.
Read MoreMonstera adansonii and Monstera adansonii ‘Monkey Mask’, Both of these adansonii’s have dark green leaves’ that have small holes inside the leaf literally looking like a piece of Swiss cheese.
Read MoreFicus elastica is in my eyes a brilliant indoor plant and for me no where near as temperamental as the fiddle leaf. It’s one that was showing it’s worth when house plants were cool in the 70s.
Like all ficus, these bad boys are grown to make a statement. Huge glossy leaves make this plant look fake or too perfect.
Read MoreAeschynanthus marmoratus had a dark green oval shaped leaf with these amazing veins of maroon. What’s even better is the bottom of the leaf is slightly cooler than the top. It’s like it was made to hang in a basket.
Read MoreMonstera Siltepecana is one of the 50 named and lucky for you, is at Trevallan right now. It has beautiful green leaves with silver patches and prominent veins. It will climb if given the chance but as it’s branches are really soft it works wonderfully as a trailing plant too.
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